jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

My own reflection

My opinion about the blog

This blog is a reflection of how new technologies can be used to teach English literature to students in a high school.
My intention is to show several different activities in which students can read some short stories from various genres like: a native tale, mystery, narrative...
These activities are divided in 3 parts: Pre- treatment, treatment and post-treatment. Each part is essential to understand the whole story. I have tried to use diverse websites to present these activities in a different way to motivate students to read in English.

The blog is a resource through which students can develop important abilities not only related to language acquisition but also personal abilities like working in a cooperative way, to be responsible, to be able to organize their time, solve technological problems, etc. All of these skills are linked with a specific methodology, which is the Task-based learning process.
Nowadays this methodology is used to encourage to students to learn English in a different way. It is an alternative methodology to learn a language using real communicative situations. In this case, the blog is useful to increase and improve the level of vocabulary of students. Moreover, they work the four skills, not only reading or writing. I present activities in which they have to do an oral presentation and other activity is related to a listening and they have to tell a story and record themselves.

To conclude, I think that all of these on-line resources are useful to be innovative in foreign language teaching, since students have been brought up surrounded by new technologies, so if we take advantage of them, students will feel close to the real world while studying English, and we will be able to satisfy their learning needs with these resources. Thus, they will feel motivated and with a positive attitude towards learning a language, in this case, English.

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